
At Fox Valley Elevator, home elevator safety is our number one priority when it comes to your family’s mobility issues. The following questions will help you determine whether your residential elevator is safe. If you do NOT check all of the TRUE boxes, please complete the form at the bottom of the page so we can put you in touch with our nearest dealer, who can provide you with the professional elevator service your home needs.

  • Part 1: Maintenance Safety Checklist

    Can you answer TRUE to ALL of the maintenance safety statements below?
  • Part 2: Safety Features Checklist

    Can you answer TRUE to ALL of the safety feature statements below?
  • Part 3: Installation Safety Checklist

    Can you answer TRUE to ALL of the installation safety statements below?
  • Did You Pass? Let Us Help!

    If you did NOT check all of the TRUE boxes above, please take a moment to complete the form below. We'll help put you in touch with our nearest dealer and provide you with the professional elevator service your home needs.
  • This field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged.